Machshava Mavens
[Updated] I recently discovered the Avodah mailing list. I am addicted to this website, which " hosts a chevrah that focuses on analysis of hashkafah, avodas Hashem, ta’amei hamitzvos, lomdus, machshavah , and halachah — with an emphasis on the places where halachah, machshavah and hargashah meet." I have spent many hours reading the free-wheeling discussions, which have been going on since 1998. Th e people are quite knowledgeable and always bring sources to back up their arguments. Opinions without sources are not welcome there. Some people on the site seem to know an awful lot about Jewish Machshava. I OTOH have no familiarity at all with the teachings of thinkers like Rambam, Ramban, Saadia Gaon, ibn Pikuda, Kuzari, and others. They didn't teach it in the Yeshivas I attended. One would think that knowledge of classic machshava is a prerequisite to being a good Jew. After all, these w...